Running Osaka Marathon 2025 to support the children and future of Syria


NPO法人 Piece of Syria

Bokhari Sufian



/ 70,000円









On 24 February 2025, I will be attempting my second ever marathon event to improve my personal best time over the marathon distance at the Osaka Marathon 2025.

This time I will be joining as a charity runner for NPO Piece of Syria - an Osaka based charity organization that provides educational support to Syrian children in the hardest to reach areas.

Please click on the 'Donate and support' button if you would like to make your donation to support this charity organization. InshaAllah your charity will make a difference to the lives and future of our brothers and sisters in Syria.

While your donations will not fund for my marathon event, you will be playing a part in my marathon journey and will mean a lot to me!

About NPO Piece of Syria:

Children are the driving force behind the reconstruction effort, so we work to help them receive a basic education, rebuild their country with their own efforts, and create a peaceful future. Working with local partners, we provide education to Syrian children living in areas that cannot be reached by aid from the United Nations or international NGOs .

The group's name, "Piece of Syria," is based on the concept of "putting together pieces," and aims to have the power to bring about peace by joining forces with each individual, like a piece of a puzzle, even if each individual's power is small.

Use of Donation:

The funds will be used to cover the operating costs of kindergartens in northwest Syria, including salaries for teachers, rent, utility costs, and the purchase of writing materials. This will enable the kindergarten to increase the number of children it can accept and provide a high-quality education. In addition, it will enable the kindergarten to carry out activities to provide psychosocial care to children, parents, and teachers who have been traumatized by war and earthquakes.

What can my donations do:

Your donation of 5,000 yen will be able to provide textbooks to four children attending kindergarten in Syria, 10,000 yen will be able to provide 100 children attending supplementary schools in Türkiye with a month's worth of writing materials.




Piece of Syria



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