公益財団法人ジョイセフ 大阪マラソンエントリーページ JOICFP Osaka Marathon Entry Page


公益財団法人 ジョイセフ










※ 現在はエントリー期間外なのでこちらから寄附を行なってもエントリーは出来ません。



Run to Empower Women!






JOICFP is an international cooperation NGO established in Japan to protect the lives and health of women around the world. Based on Japan's experience, which boasts the world's lowest maternal and neonatal mortality rates, we promote Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). We provide support through human resource development, particularly in low-income countries.

JOICFP supports your actions as you take on the Osaka Marathon 2025 Charity challenge.

●How your donation will be used

Donations from the Osaka Marathon 2025 Charity will be used to provide Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) to women in Kenya, Africa, and Japan, as a life skill to protect themselves from death and disease.

*For charity runners residing in Japan, JOICFP will issue the tax-deductible receipt of the donation.


ジョイセフとは About JOICFP


JOICFP is an international cooperation NGO born in Japan that works to protect the lives and health of women around the world. Drawing on Japan's experience in improving maternal and child health, particularly in low- and middle-income countries in Asia and Africa, JOICFP is working to reduce maternal mortality and promote Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), with the aim of realizing a world where "no one is left behind" as stated in the SDGs. For half a century, JOICFP has been providing support in more than 40 countries and regions.

1分にひとり、女性が命を落としていく世界の現実を、根本から変えていく。 We will fundamentally change the reality of the world where one woman loses her life every minute.






One woman dies every minute…

Around the world, one woman loses her life every minute due to causes related to pregnancy, delivery, unsafe abortion, and cervical cancer.

Through participation in the Osaka Marathon 2025 Charity, JOICFP will strive to protect the health and lives of women and girls in Kenya, Africa, and in Japan. We will provide Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) to empower them with quality sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and care to prevent unintended pregnancies and promote prevention and early detection of cervical cancer.

Whether or not CSE is available will affect the number of maternal deaths and cervical cancer deaths.




Khadija from the slums of Kibera, Kenya

Khadijah dreamt of being a nurse in Canada. However, she found herself pregnant at the age of 16 and gave birth at the age of 17.

“It was only 3-4 weeks after my first sex with my boyfriend when I discovered I was pregnant. I didn’t know there were birth control options. When you live here, you don’t talk about sex and related information openly. Now I regret the choices I made very much. If I had contraception and the right information, I wouldn’t have become a mother as a teenager. I wouldn’t have dropped out of school and wouldn’t have given up on my dream of going to Canada.”

日本女性 森さん(仮称)53歳(19歳と14歳の母)


Mori (tentative name) 53 years old (mother of 19 and 14 years old), Japan

"I was diagnosed with cervical cancer when I was 49 years old. After giving birth, I was busy raising my children. As I was confident of my health, I paid little attention to the health checkup information sent from the local government. When I was concerned about menopause, I went for my first checkup in about 10 years. Then I found out that I had cervical cancer. Being shocked, I learned for the first time that it is caused by a viral infection through sexual intercourses. Also, I later learnt that cervical cancer is the only preventable cancer. I don’t want my daughter to go down the same path. I hope in Japan we will be able to receive correct education about sex and reproduction even at an early age before having sex."




In many cases, the deaths of women due to pregnancy are due to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) issues. For example, early pregnancy, unsafe abortion, lack of prenatal checkups, and sudden changes in the mother's body during childbirth without the attendance of a medical professional. In addition, many women lose their lives due to cervical cancer, a cancer specific to women, which is mainly caused by the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV).

SRHR is the right to self-determination regarding one's own body, sexuality, and reproduction, and is a "basic human right" that includes access to information and care for living a healthy life through sexuality.

To ensure that women do not lose their life choices or the possibility of self-realization due to "sexual and reproductive" issues, JOICFP works to address people's awareness, actions, and systems with the aim of "preventing" unexpected pregnancies and diseases, and works to lead to solutions to these issues.



JOICFP will provide women in Kenya, Africa and Japan with Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) to protect themselves from the risks of death and disease.



<Kenya> Delivering CSE to Women and Youths in slums

JOICFP will develop materials for CSE and use them in the slum areas outside the capital city of Nairobi to promote the prevention of unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortions, cervical cancer, and sexually transmitted diseases among young people. We will work with schools and local communities to train youth volunteers and other leaders who promote CSE and create a sustainable system where activities continue without JOICFP.

スラムの女性に向けたSRHRの啓発活動 SRHR awareness-raising activity for women in a slum


啓発教材のSRHR NOTE(※)を1万人に配付し若者や親世代、学校の先生を主な対象にSRHRを学ぶ機会と場づくりを行うとともに、セクシュアル・リプロダクティブ・ヘルス/ライツ(SRHR:性と生殖に関する健康と権利)の情報と知識を10万人に届けます。また、学校教育の現場に包括的性教育が導入されるように政策決定者(議員や行政)にアドボカシーを展開します。

<Japan> In order to make CSE available at all schools in Japan

While distributing the educational material SRHR NOTE (※) to 10,000 people and creating opportunities and spaces for young people, parents, and school teachers to learn about SRHR, JOICFP will deliver information and knowledge on SRHR to 100,000 people. We will also advocate for policymakers (i.e. MPs and government officials) to ensure that CSE is introduced in schools.

SRHRについて若者に伝えるピア・アクティビスト Peer activists talking about SRHR with young people



An educational material that includes a wide range of information on SRHR-related topics necessary for young people (especially in their teens and 20s), such as one’s body, relationships with partners, sex, sexually transmitted infections, HPV/cervical cancer, pregnancy, gender, sexuality, etc.








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