認定NPO法人世界の子どもにワクチンを 日本委員会 大阪マラソンエントリーページ


認定NPO法人 世界の子どもにワクチンを 日本委員会(JCV)/ Japan Committee, Vaccines for the World’s Children










※ 現在はエントリー期間外なのでこちらから寄附を行なってもエントリーは出来ません。



 Give a gift of Vaccines to the children in developing countries for their smiles and lives 〜


ワクチンで助かる ちいさな命を救いたい。




Saving small lives that can be saved with vaccines.

Every day, 4,000 children lose their lives to Vaccine-Preventable Diseases. We are a private international humanitarian organization that has given a gift of vaccines to children in developing countries for their smiles and lives.




With your warm donations, we will present vaccines (polio, measles, tuberculosis, etc.) and relevant equipment for our 4 supporting countries (Myanmar, Lao PDR, Bhutan, Vanuatu) to save the children from Vaccine-Preventable Diseases.

With a donation of 70,000 JPY, you can provide Oral Polio Vaccines to approximately 3,5000 children!


寄附金控除 有。12月以降にお申し込みいただいたご寄付の領収書は、2025年の日付で発行されますのでご了承ください。

Tax credit eligible in Japan. The receipt will be issued in 2025 for the donations made in Dec. 2024.


感染症の脅威 / The risk posed by infectious diseases


In many developed countries, babies can get vaccinated shortly after they are born, but it differs in which country they are born. Sadly, 4,000 children around the world lose their lives to diseases that could have been prevented by vaccines before they even turn 5 years old.

創設30周年を迎えおかげさまで、創設当時は1日 8,000人と言われていた、感染症で命を落とす子どもたちは、今では1日4,000人まで半減いたしました。当初は、ミャンマー1カ国だけだった支援国も4カ国にまで増え、緊急支援を含めて10カ国の子どもたちに、ワクチンを贈ることができました。まだまだ終わりの見えない支援活動を継続し、できるだけ多くの子どもたちに必要なワクチンを届けるために、より一層、活動に力を入れて参ります。

In the 30 years since our establishment, we have gained achievements against vaccine-preventable diseases. 30 years ago, 8,000 children lost their lives to vaccine-preventable diseases, but now it is halved. We have 4 supporting countries now, and we have supported immunization services for 10 countries including emergency support. We will continue our support activities and will make further efforts to deliver the necessary vaccines to as many children as possible.

JCVが行なっていること / What we do


We have 3 main activities for supporting countries and in Japan.

① 贈る / Support 〜子どもたちへのワクチン支援〜


Presenting vaccines (polio, measles, tuberculosis, etc.) and relevant equipment in unity with UNICEF and the local governments to save the children from Vaccine-Preventable Diseases.

② 広める / Enlight 〜ワクチン支援の必要性を伝える啓発活動〜


Enlightening the risks of infectious disease, the importance of immunization, international cooperation, and volunteering, we hold events in Japan.

③ 未来につなげる / Contribute for the future 〜子どもの未来につながるその他の支援〜


In case of large-scale disaster, we provide emergency support for the children besides immunization support.

わずかな支援でできる協力 / A meaningful gift with a small donation

ポリオワクチン1人分20円 / Oral Polio Vaccines 20 JPY per dose


The vaccines we endorse are incredibly cost-effective. For example, with a donation of 70,000 JPY, you can give Oral Polio Vaccines to approximately 3,5000 children! Your generous donations will bring hope and protection to children in Myanmar, Laos, Bhutan, and Vanuatu by providing them with vaccines and essential equipment.

創設者・細川佳代子からのメッセージ / Message from the founder Ms. Kayoko Hosokawa


We were all born on this beautiful earth. Unfortunately, even on this beautiful planet, there are developing countries and conflict areas, and some children happen to be born there. As long as we don't forget that we were born in Japan, where we can easily obtain things and information if we want, there are many things we can do as a country that is blessed in every way.


Have the courage to put into action the feelings of mutual help and compassion that everyone has. I believe that as the circle of such actions expands, society will be improved. We are truly grateful to have been able to continue this activity for 30 years since our founding in 1994. Please give the gift of vaccines for the dreams and smiles of children with a bright future. We appreciate your continued support.

世界の子どもにワクチンを 日本委員会 創設者・会長 細川 佳代子

Japan Committee, Vaccines for the World’s Children - Kayoko Hosokawa (founder)

最後に / Thank you for reading!



Thank you for reading to the end.

Your kindness will make a huge difference in our children's vaccine support activities. Supporting vaccines does more than save lives—it brings smiles to children's faces and secures their future. We'd love for you to join us in expanding the circle of child vaccine support. We are looking forward to your entries to help us protect the small lives of children in developing countries!



世界の子どもにワクチンを 日本委員会(JCV)/ Japan Committee, Vaccines for the World’s Children






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