㊗️完走 チャリティーラン🏃
2024/3/2 23:37
私たちチャリティランナー🏃のHグループは、小雨の降る寒い大阪城からスタートした。▶️ 関西ハイカーズの皆さん、ウォーターエイドの皆さん、沿道の皆さんの応援で無事完走することができた。
その瞬間、どこからか「コブクロ」の曲が流れ出した。11月から4ヶ月のトレーニング🏋️、先月までは膝の痛みで20kmまでしか走れなかった。自分の練習不足の思いと、皆さんからの励ましでいっぱいでした😭ありがとうございます、ありがとうございます!February 25, 9:45 a.m., 30 minutes behind the first group.
We were the 🏃H group of charity runners, started from the cold and drizzly Osaka Castle. ▶️ We were able to finish the race safely with the support of kansai hikers, water aid, and everyone along the way.
With less than 1km to go,I passed through the dark tunnel of the JR Loop Line underpass and climbed the last hill.
At that moment, the song "Kobukuro" started to play from somewhere. 4 months of training since November 🏋️, I had only been able to run up to 20km due to knee pain until last month. I was filled with thoughts of my lack of practice and encouragement from everyone 😭This was the coolest run ever ever ever Thank you!
1/21 ㊗️高槻シティハーフマラソン🏃完走💨
2024/1/22 21:57
昨日、1月21日 日曜日
次回は、本番の大阪マラソン 残り1ヵ月の2月25日みなさんの応援をよろしくお願いします。
Yesterday, Sunday, January 21
Unfortunately, I participated in my first half marathon in a light rain.
I managed to finish the race with many other participants.
I had been practicing for 20 days, covering a total of 190 km, but I was barely able to finish the marathon.
The next marathon will be the Osaka Marathon in 25th of February.We would like to need for everyone's support.